


 This is a poster to display in the Exibition of Science English in Hokkaido.

 The summary of this poster is as follows. 

We measured the phosphate ion concentration and nitrate nitrogen concentration to examine a relationship between rainfall and the river’s water quality. Also, we calculated their inlet flow. The phosphate ion attaches itself to the soil strongly, but nitrate nitrogen attaches itself weakly. We understood that this difference affects the river’s water quality. 

Kitami Hokuto High School Science Club

北海道北見北斗高校サイエンスクラブのホームページ。 個人研究に力を注ぎつつ,置戸町・訓子府町・北見市を流れる常呂川をメインフィールドに調査を実施。 環境保全に取り組む Glocal Action Project 展開中!